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My work offers perspective into a variety of themes in a way that is accessible to a wide range of audiences. 

My journey started in 2020. Before I was practicing my art during my studies. The pandemic regulations forced me to figure out my own way. Suddenly I had no chance to study in university. So I created my "way", what named SAHA as a mosaic word from my name and my art practice. 

I work as a self-represented artist and freelance designer, based in a beautiful mountain country in Switzerland. 

Follow me on social if you are interested in the latest updates. 


New collections, old works, studies

I hope you will enjoy browsing through a wild range of originals and find something for your soul or a wall. Thank you to spend your time here and support my work. All of these artworks for sale, If you would like to purchase or know more about a specific work on this website, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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